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We are all stars: Just tiny specks in the Universe, shining our light you others.

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1st Edition

1st Edition
Copyright PublishAmerica

The strongest wood on earth

The strongest wood on earth
Yet even an oak still bends when the wind blows

Friday, September 14, 2012

Cant is a four letter word

Patience: writing is not just a prose of something you've thought of; it is and can become a transcendental idea. Research and facts based upon fiction evolve into a belief. Think of The Matrix trilogy in a sense. Religion, ethics, etc. What is right in society and morals is not necessarily right by mean of the law or rule: this is known as esoteric. Fourth chapter of my book btw.

I have been writing for as long as I can remember. It is a way for me to vent. Happiness, joy, tribulation, even in moody moments. This book took me 8 to 11 months to write and it is full of analogies that anyone can empathize with. I hope that someday some colleges may even use it as curriculum to dissect the ironic comedy and history within. It was first entitled Eulogy based upon the song by "Tool" with the same name, and if all comes together, I hope to use it for the credits in Hollywood someday. I have big dreams.
So if you like the spear of destiny, legends (all lies are based upon at least some truth), history, vampires, zombies, the story of Atlantis, the Mayans, the Apocrypha, & anything else in history that cannot be completely explained, give this book a whirl. After researching the life of the Centurion of Time, you may find a bit of history and a bit of a creepy awakening within as you connect the dots for yourself.

Monday, September 3, 2012

Evanescant Manifesto

Now on chapter 7 in the year 611 to 850 AD.  I'm so happy to be "unstuck."

Escape from Hate Island

I see my love across the shore
The rapids tempest evermore
The calm comes where peace is found
The gales and depths yet rage and sound
To drop an anchor within my soul
Ceasing terror, sadness, and control
Is only to demean myself
Using words less bitter, tact, and stealth
Beyond the shore, my heart will stay
Until the demons go away
Tears will drown me at this shore
The rapids tempest evermore

Sunday, July 22, 2012


Why should we have creed and race,
Blind your loathsome eyes,
Do not look at their face;
Cherish what's inside.

Wars do not solve a thing
They bring nothing but sorrow
Happiness is what life should bring
You could die tomorrow

All the Wonders

The purple velvet across the sky,
I touch the strong green grass,
The yellow of the wild black-eye,
The red-brown of brass
The bright grey of silver,

The amber that gleams gold,
The white Cliffs of Dover,
And stories never told.
Utah’s coral dunes,
India’s Taj Mahal
Air that fills balloons
Abraham and Paul

Spring in May,
Flowers in June,
Hot Summer days,
The sun and the moon

Love and endeavor,
Family and friends,
Never and forever,
The beginning and the end
The turtle’s hard shell,

From the great blue whale to dust,
Heaven and Hell,
All that is just
The Saw-toothed Mountains in Idaho,
The grazing buffalo herd,
Sand Harbor at Lake Tahoe,
Silence and the WORD

From the mighty redwood,
To the microscopic things
To all of manhood,
His people Human Beings

Thursday, July 19, 2012

Daughters of Season

Spirits see what eyes cannot
The ancient creatures time forgot
Summer Aurora: brilliant and bright
Winter Dawn: diamonds smiling light
Autumn Melody: strong and soulful
April Rose: Fragrant and Joyful

The phoenix burns our precious life
The sun's rays shine on all our strife.
Full of hope and probability, 
These Muses made humanity.
Emitting strength, let us be:
Serene courageous entities.

The Ramblings of Longinus

Second Edition Synopsis

Here I repose in mire and shame;
Cursed to walk the world: I roam
The spear of destiny bears my name
I pierced the side and broke no bone.

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